Saturday, October 19, 2013

Storm Ship of the Hudson River - New York

From a time when a settlement at the mouth of the Hudson was known as New Amsterdam instead of New York, there have been tales of a strange sailing ship bearing no recognizable flag sailing into the Hudson River from Gravesend Bay, all the way up to the northern most reach of the Hudson Highlands.  With the majority of the sightings in the highlands themselves. It was believed that this ship brought a warning and death.

When the Storm Ship appears on the Hudson River, it is an omen of bad weather according to Dutch legend.  Painting: Ship in a Storm by Ivan Aivazovsky
When the Storm Ship appears on the Hudson River, it is an omen of bad weather brought on by The Heer of Dunderberg according to Dutch legend.  Painting: Ship in a Storm by Ivan Aivazovsky

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